Our company also develops project management software. We specialize in creating software solutions that help businesses and organizations manage their projects and tasks, as well as company resources, more efficiently.
What cannot be measured cannot be improved
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Pay only for the time spent on a given job
Some of the features that a client can include in their project management software are:
- Task and project management
- Collaboration Tools
- Time tracking
- Resource management
- Reporting and analytics
- Gantt charts and timelines
- Document management
- Accounting for productive, efficient time
- Accounting for offline activities
We develop and implement project management software as a customized solution that meets the specific needs of each business, using the latest technology to provide a seamless experience within your business.
Examples of project management software development and implementation
Company developer of mobile MMOG games in different genres: RPG, Action, Casual Games, etc. The company was founded in 2009 and united over 1500 game industry specialists in studios in Herzliya, San Francisco, Michigan, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lviv, and Kyiv. For this client, we have performed work on business processes automation, consulting, and implemented a number of enhancements (under NDA)
1000+ hours
Ready to start developing a project?