More than a WEB development...


One of our specialties is the development and implementation of ERP-like systems.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) helps organizations manage their business processes and data, including finance, purchasing, inventory, human resources and CRM. The main purpose of an ERP system is to integrate and automate all business functions in an organization into one unified system, increasing the accuracy and timeliness of data and the efficiency of decision-making.

Developed and implemented solutions for companies of 2,000+ employees
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A systematic approach and planning is the key to successful implementation

A special feature of SKALAR in this direction is the project approach to development and implementation - the only approach that gives a predictable and expected result for such a complex and multifaceted work.

In the project approach, the developed information system and future implementation is carefully planned at three levels: "Technical, Technological, "Organizational".

Description of implementation levels:

  1. Technical. At this level the requirements for the server, security system, performance monitoring, fault tolerance, clustering, microservice approach, etc.) The level consists of the preparation of the server environment (assembly, installation and configuration of server software, virtualization systems, clustering, replication, and deployment management) and system integration into the existing IT-infrastructure in the company. These works may require an examination of the associated systems. There may be revealed inconsistencies and incorrect settings of these systems, such as a violation of the data structure in AD. In order to perform correct integration, it is necessary to bring the paired systems into conformity with the requirements.
  2. Technological. At this level, all the necessary functionality for the development and implementation, including the admin part, is identified and described. The essence of this level is to solve the business tasks of the company. To formalize the tasks and requirements you may need to survey the main functional customers within the company. Based on these surveys, the list of functional requirements is formalized, which defines the basic requirements for the developed system. After that main processes simulation is performed, during which the scenarios of work with the information system are investigated and detailed requirements for adjustment and modification are formed.
  3. Organizational. At this level, training activities are planned for employees (workshops, tests, seminars, etc.). The positive effect of the introduction of the information system is possible only if the employees will use it. To solve this problem there is a number of methods, including the writing of regulations for working with the system. In order to support the vertical implementation, company's top and middle managers are trained, and reports and QPIs for the system are planned. Separate training is provided for the technical support and the Customer's project group.

Work plan:

    • Development of the implementation concept - a document containing the implementation concept, functional requirements, requirements specification, labor cost analysis and work schedule.
    • Interviewing - an analyst from our side conducts a series of interviews with key experts in your company (top management, heads, departments, and divisions). Thus he allocates critical, from the point of view of overall result, business processes in the organization.
    • Formation of a list of goals and criteria for their implementation - Goals are defined and prioritized in the concept: "SMART".
    • Modeling business processes - the introduction of such a large-scale tool as ERP system in the work of the company will change your current business processes. Our task is to make sure that new business processes maximize the potential of automation of the system and save your resources. We describe in detail your current "AS IS" business processes in BPMN notation and model new "TO BE" business processes, taking into account the requirements for the implementation and the potential of the system under development.
    • Formation and coordination of the document: "Implementation Concept" - the document contains a description of your current business processes and new business processes, taking into account all the features of the system being implemented, the functionality of the future system, case studies, decomposition into tasks and implementation plan. This document answers the basic questions: "What the system will be and how to implement it". The work is divided into stages. The first phase typically includes the development of the minimum functionality required for the operation ("MVP"). Each subsequent phase describes: "incremental" functionality in order of priority.
  1. Execution of work planned in the concept - development, customization and enhancement work is performed in accordance with the approved schedule and milestones.
  2. Test operation - is usually performed by one: "guinea pig" in a limited mode. At this stage, earlier missed cases of operation are detected and solved, the system is finalized in accordance with actual use cases.
  3. Commercial operation - the project is put into operation for all employees, according to the plan of organizational implementation, the whole project is launched and the debugging of implemented functionality is performed, necessary details are finalized, and errors that were not detected during test operation are eliminated.
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